The Shorthand code {FORMFIELDS} is included in the Notifications sent to you and to your booker - this will pull all of the information your client provided on the booking form.
This feature is available on All Plans (Free, Individual, Professional, and Teams)
On the booking form itself, you can edit the language of most questions, by clicking the pencil, and changing the label to your desired language. In this example, we've changed them to Spanish:
When you navigate to Notifications, you will see these fields pulled into the email to your booker, with the shorthand code {FORMFIELDS}.
Depending on the language you set under Times & Availability Language & Timezones, there are some default fields which may not translate, like {TYPE-NAME} referring to appointment type, and {TEAM-NAME} referring to team member name.
If all of your fields are not translating correctly, you can delete the {FORMFIELDS} shorthand code and add the individual fields with the preferred language.
Etunimi: {FNAME}
Sukunimi: {LNAME}
Henkilötunnus: {ID}
Puhelinnumero: {PHONE}
Sähköposti: {EMAIL}
Tiimin jäsen: {TEAM-NAME}
Tapaamisen nimi: {TYPE-NAME}
The words between the curly brackets are the Shorthand codes you've set on the booking form.
For further questions, contact our team at
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