Time zones can be tricky, but YouCanBook.me helps simplify it, whether you are taking bookings locally or around the globe.
This feature is available on All plans.
Booking page timezone
Timezone display for bookers
Language and time/date format
Booking page timezone
The timezone of your booking page is anchored to the timezone of the first team member listed on the Calendar & teams section. If all of your team members are together in the same timezone, this is less important. However if your team is spread across timezones, it will influence the way your booking page availability is displayed.
Drag and drop team members to your preferred order based on their timezone.
Navigate to Times & availability Language & Timezones to continue configuring the timezone and language settings for your booking page.
1 - Booking page timezone
We automatically detect the timezone from the calendar of the first team member listed in the "Who" section of the Calendar & Teams page. The working hours on your page will be based on this timezone. If needed, you can manually choose a different timezone for your booking page from the dropdown menu. In this case, all team members will receive bookings according to the manually selected timezone.
2 - Automatically detect bookers timezone
This feature automatically detects your visitors timezone (from their IP address) and displays your availability relative to their timezone.
If you anticipate that all of your bookers will be in the same timezone as you, you can uncheck this box. With this box unchecked, everyone will view your availability based on your timezone, no matter their location. All confirmation emails will reflect your timezone as well.
If you will have bookers in different timezones, keep this box checked. With this box checked, they will book times convenient for them, based on their own location. All confirmation emails to the booker will reflect the booking time in the timezone they've been detected in.
In a some cases with the Automatically detect bookers timezone feature on, a bookers location can be detected from their IP address incorrectly. This could be the case if they are using a VPN, location masking services, or booking from a mobile device. If this is happening in your booking page, your booker can select the correct timezone from the drop down before selecting a booking time. You can also provide instructions using the shorthand code {TIMEZONE-BOOKER}.
3 - Booking page language
The Language setting enables you to choose the language and country for formatting dates and times. It also determines the language displayed to users during booking, such as the days of the week or the 'confirm' and 'cancel' buttons, which you cannot directly modify.
For instance, selecting English (United States) will display times in AM/PM format, whereas English (United Kingdom) will show a 24-hour clock.
For further questions, contact our team at support@youcanbook.me.
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