does not support recurring bookings or booking more than one appointment in the same session, as each booking carries its own unique ID.
However, you can add a pre-filled link that will help to speed up the process for additional bookings. You can add this to the thank you page, or an email, and it will include the information that they have just filled out in the booking form, and it will pre-fill the form next time customers book.
You will use the Shorthand Codes on your booking form to create this link.
This feature is available on All plans.
Set your shorthand codes
Create your link
Encode when necessary
Make the link clickable
Pre-filled booking link example
Step 1: Set your shorthand codes
On your Booking Form, assigned each question a Shorthand Code.
First name = {FNAME}
Last name = {LNAME}
Email = {EMAIL}
Phone number = {PHONE}
Each shorthand code will pull through the data your booker inputs when they make their initial booking. You will use each of these shorthand codes to construct a link that will pre-fill the booking form with that same data, saving time for their next booking.
Step 2: Add the link to the After Booking page
The follow up booking link for the shorthand codes listed above would be:{FNAME}&LNAME={LNAME}&EMAIL={EMAIL}&PHONE={ENCODE}{PHONE}{ENCODE}
You'll want to put this link on Booking Form After booking, in the "Display confirmation message" box. You can also include this same link in your confirmation emails.
Step 3: Prevent the link from breaking with {ENCODE}
Wrap the shorthand code in {ENCODE} if there are any fields that your booker might potentially enter a space to prevent the link from breaking. For example, if you ask for their First and Last name in one line, you'll want to use {ENCODE} around the shorthand code you assign to that field.
Step 4: Make the link clickable with Markdown
Once you have your link constructed, you can make it clickable on your After Booking page or in your confirmation emails using Markdown. Highlight the link and use the link icon to make it clickable with your desired text.
Example: Mary books a second appointment
Mary selects her first appointment for Monday, April 18 at 9am and fills out your booking form with this information:
First name: Mary
Last name: Jones
Email address:
Phone number: 2485551212
She clicks "confirm booking" and it brings her to the thank you page. Her information has been filled into the curly tags in the link, so it will look to them like: Mary&LNAME=Jones&
Mary clicks that link, allowing her to select their next day/time for an appointment. When she comes to the booking form, it is already filled out for her:
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