Use conditional statements to control what information your booker sees in their confirmation email based on a selection they've made on your booking form.
This feature is available on the Professional and Teams plans.
In this article:
- Set shorthand codes on booking form
- Build conditional statements
- Add conditional statements to confirmation page after booking
- Add conditional statements to confirmation email
- Add conditional statements to calendar event description
Set shorthand codes on booking form
On your booking form, set the shorthand code of the question you want to make your trigger.
Build conditional statements
Using your shorthand code you've selected to be your trigger, build a conditional statement. You'll create a statement for each possible selection.
In this example, we've set the shortand code TOPIC, so the conditional statements are:
- {IF}{TOPIC}{EQUALS}Monthly reporting{THEN}Details on Monthly reporting you want to include to your booker about this topic... {ENDIF}
- {IF}{TOPIC}{EQUALS}Account deep dive{THEN}Details on Account deep dive you want to include to your booker about this topic... {ENDIF}
- {IF}{TOPIC}{EQUALS}New features overview{THEN}Details on New features overview you want to include to your booker about this topic... {ENDIF}
- The text between {EQUALS} and {THEN} should match exactly how you have it written on your booking form, with no additional spaces.
- All of the text between the curly brackets including your unique shorthand code should be written in capital letters, ie {IF}, {EQUALS}, {TOPIC}
- It is best to do a test booking to see how the conditional statements will appear to your booker.
Add conditional statements to confirmation page after booking
Once you have your conditional statements created, add these to your Booking form After Booking, and they will display on the confirmation page that displays to your booker once they've selecting a meeting time.
Note: The preview window in your booking page settings will only display the first of your conditional statements.
Add conditional statements to confirmation email
You can also add these conditional statements to your confirmation email under Notifications. Any email that goes to your booker can have these conditional statements added ( Recommended: Add conditional statements to the confirmation email after booking, and the reminder email before booking).
Add conditional statements to calendar event description
Conditional statements can also be added to the body of the calendar event description, under Notifications Calendar events. This is how the booking will appear on both your calendar and your bookers.
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