This feature is available on all plans.
You can have your client manually add the booking to their calendar using the Add to Calendar buttons in your notifications, and translate these buttons to your target language.
In this article:
- Use Add to Calendar buttons in notifications
- Include Add to Calendar buttons in the after booking message
- Translating Add to calendar buttons in your emails
- Translating Add to calendar links in your emails
Use Add to Calendar buttons in notifications
By default, add the booking to your calendar and send a calendar invitation to your booker.
If you have this feature turned off, or you want to give the booker the opportunity to add the event to a different calendar, you'll need to add these buttons to your confirmation email, so the booker can add the meeting to their own calendar manually:
Include Add to Calendar buttons in the after booking message
You can also include the add to calendar buttons in the after booking message that displays on screen after booking. Your client will have the option to add the event to the calendar of their choosing.
Under Additional options, After Booking, add these shorthand codes to the Display confirmation message text box.
These shorthand codes can only be used within - not if you redirect your booker to another website.
Translating Add to calendar buttons in your emails
These Add to Calendar buttons can also be translated to fit the target language of your confirmation emails.
Currently these buttons will automatically translate to Spanish or Dutch if you've changed your booking page to one of those languages. We hope to offer more automatically translated languages in the future.
In any of your emails to booker under Notifications Actions, use the following strings to translate these buttons.
To translate the "Add to Google Calendar" button use:
[YOUR TEXT]({ADD-TO-GOOGLE-LINK}#addcalendarlink&useTarget=_blank&useClass=addToCalendarLink,addToGoogleLink)
To translate the "Add to Office 365" button use:
[YOUR TEXT]({ADD-TO-MSLIVE-LINK}#addcalendarlink&useTarget=_blank&useClass=addToCalendarLink,addToMsLiveLink)
To translate the "Download Calendar Invite" button use:
[YOUR TEXT]({ADD-TO-ICS-LINK}?#addcalendarlink&useTarget=_blank&useClass=addToCalendarLink,addToIcsLink)
It will render like this on you email to your bookers:
Translating Add to calendar links in your emails
If you prefer to not have buttons in your email, you can use these shorthand codes to add links instead:
Add to Google
Add to Microsoft
Download .ics
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