To avoid last-minute bookings or appointments scheduled too far ahead, set minimum and maximum notice periods. One limit can be for the minimum notice you need, and the other for the maximum time in the future you want to be booked. This setting will adjust based on when the booker checks your availability. Any time slots outside these limits won't be available for booking.
This feature is available on our Individual, Professional, and Team plans.
In this article:
Minimum booking notice
This prevents clients from booking last minute. The standard setting is 2 hours, but you can reduce or increase this setting. This is a rolling setting to the hour and will affect the availability displayed - no booking times will be displayed within the minimum booking notice window.
Minimum booking notice will always consider the weekends, even if you're not available for booking on the weekends.
Maximum booking notice
This prevents clients from booking too far in advance. The standard setting is 365 days, but you can reduce it to restrict how far in advance someone can make a booking. This is a rolling setting to the hour and will affect the availability displayed, as we will not show any booking times beyond this maximum booking notice window.
How minimum & maximum notice settings affect availability
Your minimum and maximum notice settings can often be the cause of times not being available even when you have availability on your calendar. For example, if you set your minimum booking notice to 4 hours, anyone looking at your availability at 9 am will not see any available times before 1 pm. If you set your max notice to 2 weeks, we will not display any booking times more than 2 weeks from the day you're viewing your booking page.
Minimum & maximum notice and fixed start/end dates
If you are using a fixed start or end date on your booking page, make sure your maximum booking window encompasses that end date to avoid any availability display issues.
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