There are three areas in your booking page settings you'll want to check if you find the booking times offered don't match what you've set under Times & Availability.
Check the timezone we are detecting from your linked calendar
Check the timezone of your live booking page
Check your set working hours
Timezone of your linked calendar
Navigate to Language & Timezones. Here you will see what timezone we are detecting from your calendar. If this is not correct, you can adjust it in your linked calendar settings.
If the automatically detected timezone is UTC, uncheck the box next to "Automatically detect time zone from my calendar" and then select your time zone from the drop down.
Timezone of your live booking page
If we are detecting your timezone of your linked calendar correctly, but when you visit your live booking page the times are still wrong, check to see what timezone the booking page is being displayed in.
This is because we are auto detecting the timezone of all visitors to your booking page, based on the IP address of your device. Although this method is usually correct, it can give a false read if you are using a VPN, location masking services, or checking from a mobile phone.
If you anticipate that all of your bookers will be in the same timezone as you, you can uncheck the box to Automatically detect the bookers timezone. Then everyone who views your live booking page will see the available times relative to whatever timezone we are detecting from your linked calendar.
Check your set working hours
If your timezone settings are correct, verify that your working hour settings are also correct for your desired working hours.
For further questions, contact our team at
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