You've started receiving bookings! Now what happens if you need to cancel, or reschedule a booking? How can you view all of your bookings in one place?
This feature is available on All plans.
Search your bookings
Make a booking longer or shorter
Cancel a booking through YouCanBookMe
Cancel a booking on your linked calendar
Reschedule a booking through YouCanBookMe
Reschedule a booking on your linked calendar
Marking a booking as a no show
Rebook an additional appointment for your client
Delete a booking from YouCanBookMe
Book an appointment on behalf of your client
View all bookings
Export booking data
Search your bookings
Search your bookings on your bookings dashboard. You can search by booker name, or booking REF (XXXX-XXXX-XXXX).
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Make a booking longer or shorter
Directly on your linked calendar that holds the bookings you receive from YouCanBookMe you can edit the length of the booking. Did the client book 30 minutes but really needs 1 hour? Just edit the event on your calendar and YouCanBookMe will keep up with the changes.
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Cancel a booking through YouCanBookMe
You can cancel any booking you've received through YouCanBookMe on your Bookings dashboard. Next to the details button click the dropdown menu and select Cancel. You can only cancel bookings that have not yet occurred.
This will trigger the cancellation email to booker you set up in the Notifications section of your booking page.
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Cancel a booking on your linked calendar
You can cancel a booking directly on your linked calendar by deleting the booking from your calendar. Once a booking is deleted from your linked calendar, it will appear as cancelled in YouCanBookMe.
Cancelling a booking by deleting it from your calendar will not trigger any cancellation email to the booker, and any future scheduled reminders will not be sent.
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Reschedule a booking through YouCanBookMe
You can reschedule any booking you've received through YouCanBookMe on your Bookings dashboard. Next to the details button, click the dropdown menu and select Reschedule. You can only reschedule bookings that have not yet occurred.
All the details on the appointment, including the timezone it was booked in and the duration of the booking will remain the same. If you need to change anything about the booking itself, you will need to cancel the booking and rebook it.
Rescheduling the booking through YouCanBookMe will trigger the reschedule email to booker you've set up in the Notifications section of your booking page.
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Reschedule a booking on your linked calendar
You can reschedule a booking on your linked calendar simply by moving it around. Move the booking to the new date/time will update the start time of the booking in YouCanBookMe. You can also adjust the duration of the booking, making it longer or shorter, and YouCanBookMe will keep up with the changes.
Rescheduling an email by moving it on your calendar will not trigger any emails to you or your booker, but the next schedule email (reminder email) will reflect any changes you've made to the event.
You may be prompted to send an updated invitation email to your booker by your calendar provider.
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Marking a booking as a no show
The option to mark a booking as a no show will appear on your bookings dashboard after the appointment has started, and will remain as an option up until 1 week after the booking passes. On the booking you want to mark, click the arrow next to Details, and select Mark as no show.
You have an opportunity to undo the no show marking in the green pop-up box that appears after a no show has been marked.
Once marked, the booking will carry a blue tag on the dashboard. You can decide to stop any follow up emails from sending to your booker once you've marked them as a no show.
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Rebook an additional appointment for your client
The Rebook feature allows you to make a follow up appointment on behalf of your client. This can only be done via the Bookings page. Next to the details button, click the dropdown menu and select Rebook. You can rebook from an appointment that has already occurred or one in the future.
It will ask you if you want to rebook the client on the same booking page or a different one on your account. After selecting a date and time, the booking form will be pre-populated with your bookers information.
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Delete a booking from YouCanBookMe
From your Bookings dashboard, you can delete any booking made by your booker, for any reason. Search for the users name or email address in the top navigation bar, and simply click Details on the booking in question, and then click Delete.
Deleting a booking from YouCanBookMe will delete all the data we hold on that booking and cannot be reversed. You can also choose to delete the event from your linked calendar by
This will completely delete any data we hold about that booking and this action cannot be reversed.
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Booking on behalf of your client
You can make a booking on behalf of your client by using your live booking link (ie. Select the date and time they want to meet, and fill out the booking form as if you were the client - then they will receive the confirmation email and any reminders you have setup.
Some users decide to setup an separate booking page just for internal bookings that has more availability than what they offer on their publicly available link.
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View all bookings
You can see all your bookings on your Dashboard. You can also access the bookings for a specific booking page by clicking on "view bookings".
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Export bookings
You can export bookings into a .csv file that can be opened by any spreadsheet application (Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets).
From your Bookings page, click the blue Export button.
Filter your bookings based on the date they were booked, or the date of the appointment, and select your date range you want to export. Select which booking page(s) you want to export to, and then which email address will receive the .csv file.
Note: This email cannot be opened in Safari browser as it cannot process .csv files.
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